
Qualitative Research Agency in Italy

We listen directly to the customer’s voice, discuss ideas and ideas with them and gather insights and authentic needs from them.

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How Qualitative Research Services Works

Qualitative research is a scientific method that focuses on collecting and evaluating non-standard data. Indeed, rather than “measuring” a research topic, qualitative data describe it, that is, it focuses on information deriving from attitudes, opinions, motivations and points of view of people.

Qualitative methodologies allow to directly hear the voice of the target being investigated. They thoroughly explore behaviours, perceptions and attitudes collected through free discussion or open questions. For such reason, the data collected in a qualitative analysis cannot be measured directly but must be interpreted.

As a matter of fact, in qualitative research the role of moderators is crucial, as by leading the discussion or interaction they should not only encourage the free expression of respondents, capturing associations of ideas and making assumptions and guesses with them, but also interpret the data collected and go beyond the meaning explicitly expressed.

Qualitative surveys are essential for exploring new markets, to grasp the emotional bond of customers with the brand, investigate the perception of products and brands, test the usability of a website, investigate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, evaluate the attractiveness of new concepts, etc.


Focus Group e Mini Group

Focus groups and mini groups (distinguishable by the number of participants) are a qualitative survey methodology in which a group of people, chosen on the basis of predefined parameters, are involved in a discussion concerning a product (existing, new or prototype), service, advertisement or concept, with the aim of providing relevant information from the current and potential market.

The discussion occurs in a special place, called a location and characterised by a room with a ‘one-way mirror’, i.e. a darkened mirror that allows observation of the discussion without interfering with the group dynamic.  The discussion is led and appropriately prompted by a Moderator, who uses psychological techniques to ensure free expression by the participants.

Focus Groups and Mini Groups may also be conducted online, taking advantage of the connectivity offered by the Internet. In this case, participants are connected to virtual platforms accessible via links. Thanks to the Webcam and Computer Audio System, it is possible to see and hear each other and thus carry out the survey in the traditional way, except for the presence.


TDI telephone interviews

IDIs (In-Depth Interviews) are a qualitative survey technique that involves an in-depth individual interview aimed at collecting information and descriptive data on products, behaviours, situations, techniques, sectors, processes, etc.

IDIs are particularly appropriate for B2B targets, specialised professionals and in the pharmaceutical-medical sector, or when there is the need to interview key figures in the field, sector or object of investigation (i.e. influencers).

They are carried out by professional figures, the Moderators and may be held face to face, thus in a special location, at the respondent’s place of work or residence. They may be alternatively conducted by phone (TDI = Telephone Interview) or even Online with the aid of specific software or tools that allow real-time connection.


Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic research is a survey method using the technique of participant observation to gather information, usage and consumption behaviour, in a given target and in given contexts.

Indeed, the researcher is “immersed” in the context of investigation and may/should be familiar with it and become part of it, so as to collect information in the most natural and spontaneous way possible, thus more closely reflecting reality.

The researcher is therefore in a privileged position and can observe and subsequently examine the symbolic and relational dynamics observable in the group, in the community being studied.

Ethnographic research enables the analytical observation of the consumption and consumption patterns of groups and communities, providing companies with important qualitative data to improve, redesign or better advertise their products.


Bullettin Board

A Bulletin board is a qualitative survey in which participants take part in an online forum on specific, pre-defined topics.  It is a virtual discussion tool that allows users to log in, read posts, answer questions, share comments, publish their own content, upload and download files. The discussion is led by a moderator who asks questions, relays and deepens the posted answers.

The Bulletin Board gives the opportunity to involve a large number of people at the same time, allowing a wide geographical representation, to manage time optimally (as interaction – with moderator and/or other respondents – is asynchronous) and to keep costs down.